Weekly Worship

I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD!"

- Psalm 122:1

Come, let us worship

You are welcome here! We gather together for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00am. If you are unable to attend in person (or just want to check us out before attending) join our livestream on our YouTube channel. Please check the bottom of this page for directions to our building and for a link to our YouTube channel.

Why we do what we do in worship

Because our liturgy uses ancient language to speak to our contemporary context, all of our services have "traditional" and "contemporary" elements. Some of our prayers and songs go back to the earliest believers while others were written this year or even this week. You can find answers to many common questions about why we worship the way we do on this ELCA's Worship FAQ page.

This Sunday’s readings

Our readings are drawn from the Revised Common Lectionary, a three-year series of texts used by many of our ecumenical partners. You can find this week's readings on the Vanderbilt University Revised Common Lectionary page.

Join us in Person
10:00 am on Sundays
